Wednesday 11 December 2013

Return to the Apple Isle

We left our apartment at about 2.20p.m. on Sunday 8th Dec.  A transfer taxi took us to J.F.K. Airport.  We flew with Qantas this time.  It seemed to take ages to get to check in, then through customs, and then through security – belts, coats, scarves, belts all off.  Everyone except small children and disabled had to stand in an x-ray shell, arms in the air.  This system seemed to be a lot quicker although you feel like you are taking part in a sci-fi movie.  It was good to have the time to then go and have a juice and a quiet sit. 
The plane started to board just after 6p.m..Unfortunately it was so cold that our plane to Los Angeles had to be de-iced before we could take off.  It meant that we were over 2 hours late leaving and then there was a very strong head wind so instead of our flight taking 6 hours we were on the plane for more than 9.  We were lucky that the connecting plane Los Angeles to Melbourne was held for our arrival, so we didn’t miss that connection.  Had to feel sorry for the people on the plane having their plans delayed as well.  So by the time we all got transferred to the next plane it was over an hour late. 
This next plane was newer so it a bit bigger and had a better TV, even a touch screen.   It was a strange feeling moving time forward - three hours between NY and LA and then eleven hours before we reached Melbourne.  We arrive at 11.45a.m. Tuesday 10th ?!?!  No wonder you don’t know if you are hungry and why you just want to fall asleep or maybe go for a walk. 
We said our goodbyes to Julee and Lindsay as they headed off to their home in Melbourne and we headed to the Domestic Terminal to wait for our next flight at 4.45p.m. took us home. 
Our son and one of our grandsons met us at Hobart Airport and took us home.  It was so nice to be back on The Apple Isle.
We had visited ten countries.  Travelled on and over sixteen bodies of water, and gone 10,060 nautical miles and flown 35,400kms.  What a fantastic trip and the best part is we wouldn’t want to live anywhere else but exactly where we are – The Apple Isle.

Saturday 7 December 2013

Day 45 Last Photos of New York

Typical New York residential buildings

Fire escapes down to the street

The front of the Chelsea Market

It was only early but very busy

A cute shop selling herbs, orchids and all things to do with the garden

Christmas Lights

Den up on the High Line

Some of the views

With a zoom you can see the Statue of Liberty

Part of the old rail line still shows in places

This really is a car park New York style - they are about 5 cars high and a number rows deep

Christmas Wishes from New York

Day 45 New York

Finally a day when so far our plans are working out.  This morning we woke to a fine, sunny clear blue sky, only about 3 degrees but you can’t have everything. 
After breakfast we walked about ½ hour to Chelsea to see the Chelsea Market.  We found a coffee shop, not so much to have a cuppa but to warm ourselves up a bit.  There are many interesting food shops and maker’s stalls.  Everything was really thoughtfully presented and the Christmas decorations certainly added to the warm feel of the place.
On top of the market is the ‘High Line’.  It was the old overhead rail line, which when was no longer going to be used, was turned into a park/walkway.  It is planted with trees, shrubs, ground covers and grasses or weeds – hard to tell at times.  It was interesting to walk along and get a different view of New York.
Lunch was next – so finding somewhere in the Chelsea Market with seating for four was a challenge, but we eventually found a nice Italian café/deli.
A walk home via a quick trip to Union Square Park.  Now the packing is in progress.  It is amazing how things fit so easily into a case when leaving home but not so easily coming home.

Tonight we will go to the movies and then onto dinner.  New York has been very different to everything I imagined.  I have felt very safe at all times and never felt over whelmed by the size of the place.  We have asked a number of people why New York is called the Big Apple – no one had an answer.  Whatever the answer maybe – it is a lovely city and one we have enjoyed visiting. 

Friday 6 December 2013

Day 44 Photos New york

This is an iconic photo from the 1930's of the construction workers of the Rockefeller Building

This is our version

I hadn't wanted to get my lovely 'Paris Annie' hat wet so I left it home - I bought this one as I definitely needed a hat 

Den was very taken with this unique ceiling decoration in one of the stores in Soho - all done with bottles - it looked great

Day 43 & 44 New York

Day 43
After such a very full day yesterday we all needed a ‘rest day’.  It was good to just have some time out, watch a few movies and just relax.  Julee felt like doing some cooking so we went off to the ‘Whole Food Market’ near Union Square and bought some goodies.  It was so nice to have a real home cooked meal.

Day 44
Today we walked along Broadway to Soho – so named as it is short for South of Houston Road which divides it from Greenwich Village.  There are a couple of blocks known as Noho – I’ll let you work that one out.
We found another lovely deli for a morning coffee and a Thai café for lunch.  The unfortunate part was that it drizzled rain all day – at least it wasn’t snow.  We had a look through a few shops.  I particularly wanted to see ‘Bloomingdales’.  It was really not much different to Myers but it was good to see it anyway.  We went into one shop both Julee and I loved.  Most of the stock was made in Barcelona.  It was very colourful and gorgeous.  Unfortunately for me it was made for petite people – something I definitely am not.  Oh well……time for a cuppa – this time we went to one of the NY uni. Coffee shops called ‘Think Coffee’.  It was great fun but very noisy.

So home we went.  On the way the boys bought a bottle of red and Julee and I went to a supermarket and bought some more supplies for a yummy pasta for tea.  We planned to go to the movies this evening.  We got ready in our coats, hats and scarves ready for the cold and a few drops of rain and headed out – it was absolutely teeming down so back up the lift, off with our coats, and a nice night in seemed like a good idea. 

Thursday 5 December 2013

Day 42 Photos Times Square at Christmas Time

Cnr. Times Square and W46th Street

One of the Macy's Christmas windows

Empire State Building at night

Day 42 Photos of Fifth Avenue Christmas Windows and Central Park

Rockefeller Christmas Tree

One of the 'Yeti themed' Sak's Christmas windows 

The 'American Girl' Doll window


Tiffany's Windows 

Louis Vuitton

Near the entrance to Central Park

I just loved this French looking building

Views of Central Park

Trump Skating rink had just opened

lots of cute little squirrels in the park

Just a cute sign I saw