Saturday 7 December 2013

Day 45 New York

Finally a day when so far our plans are working out.  This morning we woke to a fine, sunny clear blue sky, only about 3 degrees but you can’t have everything. 
After breakfast we walked about ½ hour to Chelsea to see the Chelsea Market.  We found a coffee shop, not so much to have a cuppa but to warm ourselves up a bit.  There are many interesting food shops and maker’s stalls.  Everything was really thoughtfully presented and the Christmas decorations certainly added to the warm feel of the place.
On top of the market is the ‘High Line’.  It was the old overhead rail line, which when was no longer going to be used, was turned into a park/walkway.  It is planted with trees, shrubs, ground covers and grasses or weeds – hard to tell at times.  It was interesting to walk along and get a different view of New York.
Lunch was next – so finding somewhere in the Chelsea Market with seating for four was a challenge, but we eventually found a nice Italian café/deli.
A walk home via a quick trip to Union Square Park.  Now the packing is in progress.  It is amazing how things fit so easily into a case when leaving home but not so easily coming home.

Tonight we will go to the movies and then onto dinner.  New York has been very different to everything I imagined.  I have felt very safe at all times and never felt over whelmed by the size of the place.  We have asked a number of people why New York is called the Big Apple – no one had an answer.  Whatever the answer maybe – it is a lovely city and one we have enjoyed visiting. 

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