Monday 2 December 2013

Day 40 New York - The Big Apple

Over our breakfast of cereal and toast we made our plans for the day.  So, rugged up and with a map of the area we set off to explore the Big Apple.
It is quite easy getting around with the streets numbered and east or west – once you get used to the system.  Our plan was to find the stop for a hop on hop off bus.  Along the way we found a really interesting makers market set up in the Union Square Park.  Julee and I had a look through the market while the boys wandered about taking some photos and movie.  When we met up they took us to see the cute little squirrels running around one area of the park.  They were quite tame and would come running over if you called them looking for something to eat. 
We continued on and came across a cheese maker’s shop/café called ‘Beechers’ that Julee had heard about and was on her list of things she wanted to do.  The timing was great as it was lunch time.  We had soup and then 2 platters of cheeses – one of the cheese they make here in New York and another of cheese from all around U.S.A. and a glass of wine – perfect.  It was a really enjoyable experience.
We managed to find a bus and joined the trip down town.  We just used it as a get to know the area and tomorrow we will get on and off and visit some of the sights.  One building which is so different if the ‘Flat Iron’ building, so named because of its shape.  Den pointed it out to me and I nearly tipped over backwards looking up at it.  We were told later the Cary Grant was the elevator operator in that building before he became a famous actor.  We did the full loop of the down town area.  It was getting dark although it was only a bit after 4pm. and so we had a preview of Times Square with its lights on.

We headed for home but decided to stop on our way at a Thai restaurant our host had recommended.  It was a delicious meal.  We certainly have had some wonderful experiences today.

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