Saturday 26 October 2013

Day 2 Venice and Burano Island

We met at 7am for a very welcome breakfast.  Nice to feel like we were getting back into a familiar routine.
The previous night we had bought a day ticket for the ferries and so we headed off to our nearest ferry station.  We were quite amazed at the number of people already out and about and also by the fog hanging low over all of Venice.
We first went to San Marco Square.  On our way we passed the Bridge of Sighs.  It was so called as it was through this bridge that prisoners were taken to be executed.  It is enclosed and although has a terrible history it has beautiful architecture.
Then on to the square.  Even at this time of day, 9.30am it was quite crowded.  The buildings and cathedral are quite stunning. 
It was coffee time so we followed one of the many alleyways that lead in and out of the square.  We found a lovely little café ofF the tourist track and enjoyed sitting with the locals.
Next it was off to catch the ferry to take us to Burano Island.  We had all been to Murano Island before and we had been told of Burano as being worth a visit.
It took about ¾ of an hour to get there.  We had very limited vision as the fog still hadn’t lifted.  The ferry made a few stops and we changed ferries once and soon we were there.
It is a very colourful Island.  Each family has a colour, a very bright colour usually, that they paint their house.  It is much quieter there, not a lot of tourists but that seems to be changing very quickly. 
For lunch we went to a little café and had pizza, and ‘people watched’.  It was very pleasant and relaxing watching the locals go about their daily routines.  A couple of old gentleman with fishing rods in hand wandering home after a morning fishing.
Julee and I went to a Lace Museum.  There were beautiful samples of   the very finest of handmade laces.  Some made with bobbins others with needles.  While we did that the guys went for a local beer.  Julee and I also bought a necklace each of Murano glass.
Back to the ferry terminal and back to the hotel, via a bit of shopping.
We got ready for our evening out.  We caught a ferry to a ferry stop near to the Vivaldi Concert was being held.  Another meal at an outdoor café and then to the concert.

It always intrigues me at live performances how just normal people walk onto a stage and do extraordinary things.  It was absolutely brilliant to hear such wonderful music in such a beautiful setting. 

Back to the ferry stop and home.  It had been a very full but extremely enjoyable and memorable day.

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