Sunday 27 October 2013

Day 4 Bari, Italy

We woke as we were pulling into Bari, Italy.  Very hazy but by the time we had enjoyed our breakfast the sun had decided to finally appear.  We could disembark from 10am but we decided to try and miss the crowds and left at 10.30.  We bought our tickets for the shuttle bus to Bari and joined a queue.

It only took about 10 minutes and we were in the heart of the new part of town.  Instead of joining a tour group to visit the cathedral and historic church we walked in the direction of the old town.

Although it was Sunday there was washing hanging from most balconies.  The pathways were worn down marble blocks.  There were many interesting little lane ways going off in all directions.  It was really lovely – well except for the many ‘Vespers’ that went past and left us to breathe in their petrol fumes.

Around one of the corners there was a small market selling mostly straw hats of all shapes and sizes.  They seemed to be doing quite well selling to the tourists who hadn't brought a hat.

We returned to the shuttle bus.  We seemed to be ahead of the crowd so the cafeteria was relatively quiet so we enjoyed some lunch in peace.

Den and I have booked a tour for tomorrow.  

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