Sunday 27 October 2013

Day 3 Venice to MSC Divina

After breakfast it was time to pack, one last coffee in the square near Hotel Amadeus and wait for our transfer to our cruise ship.  At noon we walked down to the water taxi area and waited and waited……Fiji time was very similar to Italian time today.  Just before 1pm a water taxi came for us.  Our luggage was stored in the front open area with the driver and we went into the little cabin.  We were finally on our way.  Once at the port, it took another two hours of queuing and waiting before we were finally into our cabins.  Thankfully lunch was still available and so the next task was to find our way to the cafeteria.  This is an enormous ship with 4,000 passengers so getting about can be quite confusing.  I’m sure it will all get easier as we learn our way around. 

We felt our energy return after lunch and so headed back to unpack.  We had nearly finished when we were called to our safety and emergency evacuation practice.  How exhausting – up many flights of stairs and then into our life vests.  Finally that was over and we could resume our settling in.

At 4.30 we left Venice.  We stood on our balcony and took photos of Venice, still covered in fog, and were both happy that we had been there and glad we will be heading back to Venice for a day next Saturday. 

Our evening meal was in one of the many restaurants.  Villa Rossa is where we will have dinner each night.  It was a very good menu and entertaining time meeting the others on our table.  From there it was off to the Showroom for the evening entertainment.  It had been quite a big and tiring day and so we were pleased that we had to turn our clocks back an hour.  Tomorrow Bari Italy. 

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