Wednesday 6 November 2013

Day 13 Another Day at Sea

Another ‘Day at Sea’ but this was a different type of sea.  It was very rough.  Huge waves, storms and cold.  Many of the passengers were feeling sea sick.  At lunch we asked a German gentleman we had breakfast with, where his wife was – he mimed throwing something overboard.  We joked that he was very calm for having thrown his wife overboard but he also laughed and finally managed to say she was in bed feeling very sea sick.  There were many vacancies at lunch.
The previous night there was a ‘learn to Rock’n’roll’ night.  The sea made the rolling part much easier!!!!!  Den and I had a great time.  The instructors also have as part of their job description dancing with people without partners.  It is a very friendly atmosphere and the dance floor is seldom vacant.  Even if you have a partner the instructors will come and ask you to dance.  It gets people mixing in enjoying themselves.
We also stayed on for the 10.30pm program which is mainly Latin American dances with a slow waltz or a quick step thrown in just for fun.
We therefore had a late night and went down to breakfast a little later than usual.  We filled in a pleasant day – resting and eating.
Last night there was a ‘learn to Mambo’ session so we went to that as well.  Good fun.  At one stage there were about 30 of us in lines watching the instructors when a large wave made the ship pitch and it was like watching a Mexican Wave as line after line of dancers had to take a step backwards to keep from falling.
We went from there to watch the magic show.  A few nights ago, both Den and Lindsay, were asked by a magician if they would help him in his performance.  They reluctantly said yes but were greatly relieved when the next day they received notes from the magician saying they were no longer needed.  Well we saw the show last night that they would have been ‘assisting’ in.  The magician was a very clever pick pocket.  He had everything out the replacement assistant’s pockets in moments.    He could take off their ties and repeatedly took their watches.  He was even wearing one of the men’s glasses.  It was a relief that the boys hadn’t been involved.
It has been a very cold wet day but tomorrow is meant to be a sunny 24.  Smooth seas would be good too.

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