Wednesday 20 November 2013

Day 28 Miami Everglades

It was an early start to the day.  We had to be ready at the tour meeting spot by 7.45am.  It was a bit chaotic – some people disembarking, others going on tours all heading out to customs and immigration.  We have all of the documents MSC have told us to bring – except – we have a problem – yep – wrong information – so eventually the last of the members of the tour are finally through customs and we set off – over an hour after our set time.  So we have an hour to travel – time for us all to settle back, listen to our guide, and try to get our stress levels back to normal.
The Everglades once covered most of the Miami down town area, the port and the roads we travelled on were all built on reclaimed land.  There are a number of canals running alongside the roadways and we were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of an alligator, only a small one, gliding along.
We were soon at the park area and organised into groups for the airboat trips through the Everglades.  We cover ourselves in insect repellent as the mosquitos can be vicious.  The airboat driver hands us earplugs as the noise level is about to increase dramatically and he warned us to remove any hat or anything loose.  He also told us that we were about to get our hairstyles converted into the Tina Turner look.  So we started off nice and slow, spied a small alligator sunning itself, few birds, and then we reached a more open area and we set off at top speed.  We zipped along over the grass.  The water is never very deep.  We were told if we fell in drowning would not be a problem but there would be 40 things to worry about – alligators have 20 teeth on the top and 20 on the bottom.  It was great fun.  Once we all had the Tina Turner look happening he slowed the engines.  We spied a couple of turtles, quite big ones, some baby alligators that, we were told, would be about 3 weeks old.  They were about the size of a new born kitten.  Then we saw a much bigger one.  It was really pretty scenery with the water lilies, the grasses and trees all a mixture of shady spots, and great hiding places for alligators.
Then there was a show.  We were told all about alligators.  The chap showed us how they ‘wrestle’ alligators.  You creep up behind them and cover their eyes.  This makes the alligator relax, you then put its head under your chin and you have two hands to tie up its jaws.  Now that is something I’m never going to get good at!!!!  He showed us scorpions and a cane toad (they were accidentally dropped into Miami and are now a huge problem just as in Australia). 
We returned to the ship.  MSC’s mismanagement in full swing.  We managed to miss a lot of the fuss and were on board in just over half an hour.
Tonight was great – MSC had organised a fireworks display just before we left port.  It was a great display and they did it really well.  There was salsa music, glass of champagne, flags to wave – a real party atmosphere.  It was good fun.

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