Saturday 30 November 2013


We have had an interesting time in Miami Beach.  Unfortunately we have both been trying to fight off this dreadful cough we got on the ship.  It got the better of me and we decided I should see a doctor.  You cannot go to a doctor when you are a visitor from overseas and so the Hotel organised a ‘house call’.  Bronchitis was the diagnosis for me and the doctor said Den still wasn’t free of his infection from the ship – so antibiotics for me and more cough mixture etc. for both of us.  We have spent most of our time here in our hotel room with the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door.  We are feeling much better, but still have bad coughs.  The doctor’s fee was $450 and the antibiotics was $60.  So pleased we have travel insurance.
Anyway some thoughts on Miami Beach…....
The street cafes are all along Ocean Drive.  They all have at least one but usually two or three people trying to get you to take a seat and eat/drink/breakfast/lunch/happy hour….at first I would say no thanks, but after a while it is easier to just ignore them and feel like you are being rude.
The meals are huge…..twice as much as you would ever contemplate eating, all with a side serving of fries – even pancakes can come with fries.
The bill is interesting– the cost of what you ordered, plus 18% gratuity and tax plus there is usually another opportunity for you to give a tip.
The money takes a bit of getting used to – the notes are all very similar in colour and size.  They still have $1 notes and they are the same as the $20. 
There are big drinks you can order – they look like they have made the drink in a fish bowl.
There are girls wandering around the streets and cafes selling cigars and cigarettes from trays strapped to them, like ice cream sellers at the cricket.  I remember seeing them in old American movies but was really surprised to actually see them these days. 
Every café has music playing, people talking over the music and cars travelling along the street…… is so noisy you can hardly hear yourself think.
Police ride around on quad bikes, golf carts as well as the traditional black and white sedans. We were wandering back from going to a diner for breakfast the other morning and passed by police talking to a couple that they had in handcuffs that were seated on the gutter edge.
We went to the Post office – we asked for advice on the best way to send a parcel – with a dead pan expression we were told all of the supplies are there it is up to us to choose….if something goes wrong it won’t be their fault.  Customer service is definitely not a high priority. 
We saw a guy this morning walking around with a sign that read ‘I will smoke your weed for free’.   I guess only he knew the reason………..we were not going to ask.
Not a great place to try and rest up with noise of the cafes and street still loud at 2am and in the morning the road works start up at around 7am.
Lincoln Drive Mall is a nice area – a nice market on a Sunday, lots to see and nice cafes without lots of noise.
We also went for a walk along Espanola Way – very Spanish and quite stylish.
We have made the most of our time in Miami Beach.  I’m sure we would have had a different experience if we had felt better – we would have gone up to Orlando and gone to Disney World etc. but anyway it has been a good place to rest up and try to get healthy to fully enjoy New York.

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