Saturday 16 November 2013

Day 23 Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas, Virgin Islands

As we came into port I thought a mistake had been made and we were on our way down the Derwent River and I was seeing the Sandy Bay Yacht Club, with a lot less yachts, but no it was Charlotte Amalie – this sounds so lovely said with a French accent.
It is a very pretty setting with the town and houses set around the bay.  But before we could disembark for the first time onto USA territory we all, even the USA citizens, had to present their passports and us foreigners had to fill in more paper work to hand in to be stamped as well as showing our ESTA paperwork.  With nearly 4,000 passengers this took a little time.  It was actually fairly well organised and we were right to go by 10.45am.  Den didn’t feel well enough to go off the ship so he headed back to the cabin and bed.  The three of us went off to see what St Thomas Island had to offer.
The heat struck us straight away.  We opted for a taxi into down town.  These taxis were a cross between a ute and a truck with five rows of seats, each seat could hold 4 people.  They were everywhere, all shapes and sizes and ages.  We arrived downtown in about 15 minutes.  The cars here are interesting – the cars have the steering wheel and driver the same as USA but they drive on the same side of the road as we do in Australia.  Seems crazy, and when our driver nearly collided with a motor bike he couldn’t see it seemed even crazier.
We headed for a cafĂ©, one with free WiFi.  We hit the jackpot when we found one that was air-conditioned as well.  We stayed on and had some lunch as well as the cool drink that had brought us in.
We then went for a wander around the town.  More jewellery shops, cigars and rum but at least these shops were not so busy trying to hassle you.  We wandered up and down some of the little alley lane ways.  The brick work and plants were really attractive.  Some of the alley ways the shops had arched wooden doors that closed completely over the entrance of the shops at night.  We went into one Antique shop which was selling necklaces and earrings made from glass which was dated back to 100bc or 300ad etc.  It was really interesting and quite intriguing.  They were priced around the $200 - $400 range with ear rings around $50 to $150.  I was tempted but didn’t buy any.
We wandered a bit more and then decided to head back to the ship.  We managed to get an air-conditioned maxi taxi.   There was a bit of a traffic jam and so we were glad to be in a cooled car rather than the back of an open ute/converted taxi. 
It was a party atmosphere this evening as the other cruise ship left port half an hour before us.  It was lovely with the passengers on their ship and us on ours waving and cheering as they sailed out.

It was a nice day but we all hope that tomorrow we will all be well and the four of us will be able to venture out to San Juan, Puerto Rico. 

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