Monday 25 November 2013

Miami Beach Photos

Our hotel - Park Central - one of the iconic Art Deco area hotels

The view from the hotels rooftop

Looking towards Miami

Julee relaxing on the rooftop

Lindsay taking a break - we worked out later we walked over 5 km

Outside the Art Deco Welcome Centre

Cafes along Ocean Drive Miami Beach

Some of the buildings we passed on our way to Lincoln Road

Lincoln Road Pedestrian Mall - we had a coffee stop here

Orchids just grow in the trees

This shop had a whole huge wall of the shop made up of shelves of this style of old sewing machines.  There must have been 500 to a thousand machines on display.  This was just a side window near the doorway.

A typical street cafe

This cafe had  many different styles of chairs, some looked like thrones, very over the top!!!
Another typical view along Lincoln road

Walking the shade where possible....on a paved area near the beach

Our friends Steve and Sandy from Toronto arrived on Sat. also to spend a few days here with us.  
We were enjoying a lovely dinner out until a tropical down pour.....the rain came down so quickly that it was coming through the gaps in the umbrellas and dripping onto the tables and our chairs.  We had to be moved a few times, it was very funny and added to the entertainment.....and that was before a fire alarm went off and a fire truck arrived.  False alarm thankfully.  It was so wet, it poured non stop for over an hour..  

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